Randall Reed, Jr.How To Easily Manage Multiple Git ProfilesManaging multiple git profiles can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be.Jul 22, 2023Jul 22, 2023
Randall Reed, Jr.Working with git remotes on HerokuGenerally, you will add a git remote for your Heroku app during the Heroku app creation process, i.e. heroku create. However, if you are…Jun 5, 2020Jun 5, 2020
Randall Reed, Jr.Exploring the Math Behind an Innovative Code SolutionConsider the following coding challenge:Dec 3, 2018Dec 3, 2018
Randall Reed, Jr.inDef MethodRuby’s String#delete and Boolean AlgebraHow can learning about the String#delete method in Ruby help us understand Boolean Algebra?Apr 10, 2018Apr 10, 2018
Randall Reed, Jr.inDef MethodNine Interesting Tidbits About Dates In RubyNote: This article sat in my drafts folder for a long time. I recently had to look up how to determine the weekday-ness of a date, so I…Mar 19, 2018Mar 19, 2018
Randall Reed, Jr.Intermittent Test Failures with FactoryBot, Faker, and ApostrophesI love Factory Bot. It allows for simple, repeatable creation of objects for testing, as well as semantic naming. You can have an…May 10, 2017May 10, 2017
Randall Reed, Jr.inDef MethodNil and Presence in Ruby on RailsOne of the things I love about Ruby is nil. It can represent nothing and, since every expression in Ruby has a return value, nil is also a…Dec 5, 2016Dec 5, 2016
Randall Reed, Jr.inDef MethodSharable ESLint ConfigI had been working on a new React project, and setting up our ESLint linter, when I came across an irksome linter error:Oct 13, 2016Oct 13, 2016
Randall Reed, Jr.inDef MethodWhy I Switched from Sublime to AtomA programmer’s text editor is a very personal choice. I will always look back fondly on the time Sublime Text and I spent together, but…Aug 2, 20162Aug 2, 20162
Randall Reed, Jr.inDef MethodDeclarative Programming in RubyI’ve been programming in Ruby for almost two years now, and sometimes I forget how hard it was for me to wrap my head around the Ruby…Mar 7, 20161Mar 7, 20161